A downloadable game for Windows

Because I'm on holiday during the 2023 GMTK game jam, I rather did a sort of "game jam" with myself.

Starting from July 1st, I asked an AI to give me a theme for a game jam and had to make a game with said theme before I went on holiday. The theme was "Parallel Realms" and after 6 days and about 18 hours of work, I managed to create a game called "Life and Death".

This is an FPS but when you die, you get sent to the dead realm. While in the dead realm, shoot your enemies to get back to life. While alive you get points, after the timer runs out the player with the most points wins!


  • WASD: Move
  • Space: Jump
  • Mouse: Look around
  • LMB: Fire
  • ESC: Pause

Source code: https://github.com/TamerSoup625/life-and-death

Firearm SFX: https://freesound.org/people/kretopi/sounds/406474/


Life and Death.zip 26 MB